Friday, March 9, 2012

Brothers To The Sea, Sisters To The Flame

I'm still kicking and screaming because my thoughts have run dry.
And all I hear are mistakes, mistakes covered in the belly of the pain.
Oh what sinners we are, to wear cloaks of regret.
Oh what sinners we have become, when we can't let go of our fate.
But our dreams were made. We are the setting sun for the stars to shine.
These waves can swallow us whole, but the difference is, the lighthouse doesn't run out of control.
And I hear His voice, I breathe the freedom in the wind.
Perhaps there is still passion that fills this hole, but we have dug it up for ourselves.
Maybe faith can unveil the power that we have, to fend for ourselves.
Because if we are selfish to think, that gifts come out of thin air, well I have suffered long enough. And this hole I've dug, was to bury my heart in it instead.
We can calm our eyes, even though the tears fall like rain.
We are drowning, drowning in self pity.
The wicked may come, but I have heard all about the destruction that they bring.
Oh what saints we could be, if we were just given a bit of faith.
Oh what saints we are, when we let go of all of the pain.
Fear is not the regret I hold in my heart.
So maybe I should bury it instead, for some poor soul to come and claim it for himself.
Because I haven't given up yet, and I have all that I've ever asked for, and more.
"What giveth can be taketh away."
So this love will not be taken for granted.
I will not take, what I won't give back.
I stutter without question, I walk my path, but not alone.
For She is the voice that sings to me, She is the faith that I believe.
I am fixed and I am blessed.
Oh God! I am fixed! And I am blessed!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Watching Bridges Burn

And praise is the answer for the question.
Because effortlessly we dream of the wrong direction.
Raise the flag to call them out, the slave of the past.
We will build a new foundation with these hands.
Where the rivers run dry, our souls will reign blood.
And love will rain down from the heavens.
The cloudless sky in God's eye, becomes the wilderness where the beast sleeps.
And I can't shake the thought of you.
Because every child can feel his legs while running, but I can't feel mine while falling.
Blood and ink, we'll draw this world.
Our lives have become the stage, an example of faith.
Pride and the gram, grave and the sand, become all you want.
I'll cover your body with my heart, just to keep you warm.
Even in death, I'll keep you warm.
Never retreat to where the sun sets. Stay in the path of The Holy One and stay calm. Be still, and walk closer, fear nothing. Eye's to the sky, and stay on your feet. The devil can cage us in, but we we'll be caged in together. We are saved, it was your love and my faith. But together, we will live forever.

Monday, March 5, 2012


We wake up in a dead world, just to watch it come back to life again.
This wasn't a lifetime, or even a day.
What was done, is now done, don't stutter the sound waves.
Rejoice! In flames.
Each town will crumble and fall, just for us to rebuild it, again and again.
For this is just a start, only a beginning.
What was fear is now fearless. The insecurities are lost.
Praise the open hand, and give back to the mouth that feeds.
I was broken but fixed.
And maybe God sent me angels to the white light.
But they cut their wings up to the devils.
From the whisper, her voice screams!
Her face lights up the night sky, as the sun comes to life.
The oceans part the waves, and the mountain crumbles.
In voice, we march our living footsteps.
In the sand, we clear our minds from the sickness.
This is only just a speck of what I had the treasure of seeing.
And believing, is not a body part of my body.
But of the soul that lays trapped inside of me.
From a scream, her whisper comforts me, her love echoes through me.
I hear her name over and over again.
I calmly fall into the green pastures, and grace surrounds me with her love.
"Release your hands to the sun."

Sunday, March 4, 2012

You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings

I am a daydreamer.
And these eyes open up the first door.
This road was long enough but we haven't reached the end just yet.
And all the pieces of the puzzle come back together again.
For the strength to continue on, is starving itself.
I'm so thirsty for the future.
But I know I have chosen right when I can't feel my heart falling from my chest.
Please tell me that the nightmare is over.
Please help me discover, that faith wasn't only just an illusion.
This is all the proof I need, for us to lead.
And these wings expand leaving all of the other birds jealous.
True Vine isn't feeling numb, no.
Because where one door closes, a window opens.
The air is crisp and clear from up here. We're running free.
I can't feel the pavement.
We are flying,
oh yes,
we are flying.

Friday, March 2, 2012

My Little Heaven

One day we will combine our souls.
And we wont become one for others to see.
But every child that bares His grace with us,
shall carry our blood.
We will create life on this earth.
Because God gave us love, and power for creation.
It was You all along.
You are my angel, my life, my pride in love.
My plan, for the free will that has come.
Breed the fire in our hearts, so that the passion can awaken our souls.
And calm the storms further up the coast, so we can walk the waves.
Breathe life into nothingness, give us the stars.
When I wished for death, I only found life.
Awake in me... Unknowingly, we press on.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Grace Sustains The Love I Have For This Place

This will be worth it in the end, I promise you.
This isn't a lie, just a vague and desperate cry.
I witness the death and saw it through your eyes.
But love came out instead.
I never thought drowning could be so peaceful.
The way our hearts sink deeper and deeper.
I punished life, for thinking there wasn't a way out.
For taking advantage of the pain, God bless the pain.
God bless the evil. The thought of knowing right from wrong.
Even from all of the wars, nothing can hold us in.
Escaping the world to find ourselves a piece of land.
I'll drift long enough for the rain, to protect you.
There is no telling what will grow from this life.
But as long as there is life, there is existence.
Existence in standing still, not ashamed.
A smile escapes because I have it all, in this dream.
In reality I'll sell it, sell it for the faith.
Let our hearts know, there is room for us to grow.
To what tree is covering our graves, our blood will water the roots.
Water the dead back to life, giving meaning to love.
It's everlasting. But this dream isn't a dream.
This is the end of what it use to be.
Our hearts will sink, but where there is love it will grow. To rise up within us, the shining light. Grace sings our souls home, and wings blossom out of us, like doves to the sky. We are everlasting and we will never die. Onward we carry, the bodies of the broken ones. Healing every word that has been said. Healing the sick and the dead. We will mend the broken souls, and a smile escapes because I have found my home.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

"I Was Once A Sinking Ship"

Maybe this is a cliche way to end, but I'm going down with this ship.
We will walk the line to cross the streams.
And this river is just love pouring out of my veins.
She's got a face like a silhouette of singing doves.
The difference in color, if only you knew what was right.
All we needed was time, just a little bit of time.
And maybe we can get lost, over the horizon.
So far off the coast, just over the flow, until we are floating through time.
Please, remember my name.
I'm not an artist but I painted your face in my heart.
Your smile of gold, just love for the hold, could you be satisfied?

I was once asked, "Have you ever been saved?"

I replied, "I believe in God, because God is love, and love is real."

"Right, right, but have you ever been saved?"

"I never felt saved to tell you the truth. I always thought, that I was put on this earth for a reason. Reasons I don't know yet. And I don't stress the weight of the questions, or find solutions to the obvious answers that are all around us. We are all saved, we just don't know it yet. I don't think I would feel completely saved until I was called home though. That's why I call it faith, you know? Hope is for those who don't have faith. But I do. I never believed what has always been the truth. And I will never drown in the undertow again. Maybe I will be loved by someone here, or maybe I was just meant to roam. Either way God and the Devil aren't hard to find. I see them in everyone and everywhere. I prayed to be closer to God." Then she fell onto me.

Have I been saved? Everyday.