Wednesday, February 29, 2012

"I Was Once A Sinking Ship"

Maybe this is a cliche way to end, but I'm going down with this ship.
We will walk the line to cross the streams.
And this river is just love pouring out of my veins.
She's got a face like a silhouette of singing doves.
The difference in color, if only you knew what was right.
All we needed was time, just a little bit of time.
And maybe we can get lost, over the horizon.
So far off the coast, just over the flow, until we are floating through time.
Please, remember my name.
I'm not an artist but I painted your face in my heart.
Your smile of gold, just love for the hold, could you be satisfied?

I was once asked, "Have you ever been saved?"

I replied, "I believe in God, because God is love, and love is real."

"Right, right, but have you ever been saved?"

"I never felt saved to tell you the truth. I always thought, that I was put on this earth for a reason. Reasons I don't know yet. And I don't stress the weight of the questions, or find solutions to the obvious answers that are all around us. We are all saved, we just don't know it yet. I don't think I would feel completely saved until I was called home though. That's why I call it faith, you know? Hope is for those who don't have faith. But I do. I never believed what has always been the truth. And I will never drown in the undertow again. Maybe I will be loved by someone here, or maybe I was just meant to roam. Either way God and the Devil aren't hard to find. I see them in everyone and everywhere. I prayed to be closer to God." Then she fell onto me.

Have I been saved? Everyday.

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